
How do I configure candidate dates and times for scheduling and group polls?

You can automatically extract possible dates and times that match your conditions for scheduling and group polls.

Automatically extract candidates

  1. Scheduling and group polls automatically extract possible dates and times by default.
    1. Drag the calendar to manually add or delete candidates.
  1. Click on “Auto suggest” under “Possible dates” to change the conditions for the automatic extraction.
      Change the extraction condition on the Auto suggest panel and click on “Apply autosuggestion settings” to change the slots.
      *Click here to learn more about extraction conditions.
  1. Click on “Save” to save your adjustments.

Manually extract candidates

Drag to select on the calendar

  • Drag your cursor from the start time to the end time on the calendar to select a time slot.
  • If you wish to change the start time or end time, drag the slot to move it, or drag the bottom edge of the end time to change the end time.
  • If you selected a time slot by accident, simply click on it to deselect.

Selecting times on the side panel

  • Expand the dates and times displayed under “Possible dates” and click on “Add possible dates” to select the start and end time.
  • If you wish to change the start time or end time, click on the edit icon for that possible date to reselect the date and time.
  • If you wish to delete a possible date, click on the delete icon for that possible date to delete each possible date individually.