
Link your own “thank you” page

The help page has been moved here.
This page is not updated, so please refer to the above for the latest information.
Selecting "Redirect to an external site" allows you to redirect to a specific external site (such as a thank-you page) after completing the schedule event.
The URL specified as the "Website URL" must start with .

Handling schedule information on the redirected page

Enabling "Pass event details as URL parameters" allows receiving information such as schedule, attendees, form responses, etc., as query parameters at the end of the URL when redirecting to a different site.
Moreover, enabling this function allows receiving UTM parameters accessed through the availability URL during redirection. This can be used for advertisement conversion tracking and more.
Parameter NameMandatoryDescription
trueAvailability URL used for confirmation
trueEvent title
trueEvent start date and time
trueEvent end date and time
trueTimezone of the confirmed person
trueDate and time when the schedule was confirmed
trueOrganizer's name
trueOrganizer's email address
falseName of attendees from the organizer's side ( is sequential)
falseEmail of attendees from the organizer's side ( is sequential)
trueInvitee's name
trueInvitee's email address
trueInvitee's language
falseName of attendees from the invitee's side ( is sequential)
falseEmail of attendees from the invitee's side ( is sequential)
trueType of video call
falseURL for the video call
falsePassword for the video call
falseID of the form question ( is sequential)
falseForm question ( is sequential)
falseForm response ( is sequential)
falseUTM parameters
falseUTM parameters
falseUTM parameters
falseUTM parameters
falseUTM parameters

Measure schedule confirmation as a conversion

By preparing a thank-you page with the conversion tag installed on your site and setting it as the redirect destination for "Redirect to an external site," you can track conversions.
For detailed setup instructions, please refer to the respective help pages: