
Can I change the timezone?

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Changing the time zone allows scheduling with people across different time differences, enabling coordination with individuals from overseas.
Note: The language currently supported is Japanese only.
You can display up to three time zones, facilitating scheduling among three cities like Tokyo, New York, and London.

How to Set Time Zones

  1. Click the button displayed at the top of the calendar's time label (initially "GMT+9") or the globe icon 🌎 at the top right corner of the calendar.
  1. You can set one "Primary Time Zone" and two "Sub Time Zones." You can also search by city names.
  1. Setting time zones allows simultaneous display of three time zones. This enables suggesting options while considering suitable time frames for all three locations.
  1. When drafting candidates in HTML text, you can also select the recipient's time zone and copy-paste the options.
    1. How time slots look pasted into Gmail