
Copy time slots to the clipboard

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With Spir, you don't have to just share a link. You can also send potential schedules in HTML text, which cuts down on the back-and-forth emailing. This is especially helpful for people who might be hesitant with just a URL, like seniors or those less familiar with the internet.

Schedule Using Text Messages

  1. Once the scheduling is created, click "Copy HTML Text" to send via email
  1. Write a message to the invitee via email or Messenger and paste it
    1. ※ Paste with HTML link using ⌘+V (Ctrl+V)
      ※ For text-only, paste using ⌥+Shift+⌘+V (Ctrl+Shift+V)
  1. The invitee clicks their preferred date and time from time slots and simply confirms to complete the scheduling.
Note: For users not using Spir as invitees, they will need to input their email address.
The suggested dates format perfectly based on where you paste the text, as demonstrated below.