
The templates feature

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Templates automatically extract your and your colleagues' available time from Google/Microsoft calendars, creating a URL to share with others. Recipients of the URL can directly create events based on your available time slots.
On this page, we'll guide you through creating and modifying templates within the team plan.


If you don't have any templates for availability URLs yet, start by creating one. Select "Templates" from the top navigation on the screen and click the "Create template" button on the upper right of the list.
To modify settings for an already created availability URL, click the "View or edit" button.
Once you've entered the required details following the steps on this page, click the save button (as described below).
The template is a detailed configuration of general information, attendees, and potential options. It allows for the extraction of suitable options based on the latest schedules to facilitate scheduling.
Here's a breakdown of how to set and modify conditions for each item:


  1. Private Title (Required)
      • The title used within the management dashboard. Not visible to invitees.
  1. Public Title (Required)
      • The title visible to invitees when accessing the template URL. This also becomes the title of the schedule upon confirmation. ※ The schedule title upon confirmation will automatically be set as follows:  {Public Title}:{Invitee's Name}x{Organizer's Company Name & Name}
  1. Description
      • A description visible to invitees when accessing the template URL.


Configure attendees whose schedules will be considered for suggesting time slots.
You can select individual participants or add multiple team members who will join the schedule together.
Invitees are selected from your team members. This setup functions as follows:
  • Invitees of the URL can view the available time slots of attendees and select one.
  • Once the Invitee confirms a time slot, the schedule is created in the calendars of the configured invitees.

Adding Attendees

Click the "New group" button and select attendees from the list to add them.

Attendee Combinations

In Spir, it's possible to configure settings combining "A and B attend, or C and D attend," forming And/Or conditions. To set up such a configuration, click the "Add to group" button and add members as described. For example, "Oyama Shinsuke and Shakagori Motoki both have available time slots, or Yuki Shinohara and Mori Fumiya both have available time slots," will be shared as options.

Priority Allocation for Participants

If multiple groups have the same priority, the allocation to confirm availability will be random. If you want to allocate preferentially from within these groups when both are available, set the "Priority."
Attendees will be allocated based on the priority order when availability is confirmed for multiple groups.


  1. Weekly availability
      • Select time slots to extract candidates by day. Drag to choose the desired time slots.
  1. Duration
      • Choose the duration for scheduling.
  1. Start date and time
      • Set when to display the candidates. Select conditions like "Now," "Tomorrow," based on the time accessed via the template URL.
  1. Range
      • Set the extraction period for candidates from the start date. If you choose "For 2 weeks," candidates for a two-week period from the start date will be extracted.
  1. Buffer before and after event
      • Set available time slots by considering existing schedules.
  1. Time zone and exceptions
    1. Time zone
        • Modify the time zone settings for creating public URLs for areas with different time zones.
    2. Exclude holidays
        • Exclude candidates for specified country holidays.
    3. Exclude dates and times
        • Set specific dates or times to exclude from the extracted time slots, even within the selected "Weekly availability"
        • You can exclude specific dates or times by dragging on the calendar view or by setting exclusion dates/times using the "Add a date" button.

Confirmation form (Optional)

Please refer to:
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Details (Optional)

  1. Video Call
      • Choose the priority of the tool for automatically issuing a video call URL upon schedule confirmation, from Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams.
        • ※ For the first selection of Zoom, account integration with Zoom is required. Details here
      • Upon schedule confirmation, the URL is issued from the web conference account of the configured member acting as the organizer.
  1. Location
      • Set the location to be registered in the calendar upon schedule confirmation.
  1. Description
      • Set the text to be displayed in the calendar's memo upon schedule confirmation.
  1. Visibility
      • Choose the visibility setting for the schedule registered in the calendar upon schedule confirmation.

Notification Settings (Optional)

Please refer to the following page.
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