
Two ways to schedule on Spir

You can share availability from templates or suggest times on Spir.

1. Share availability from templates

Recommended for those who want a simple way to schedule appointments during available times
  • Use your latest schedule to send relevant parties your available times that match preset conditions
  • Adjust appointments using reusable templates

2. Suggest times

Recommended for those who want to configure schedule candidates strategically
  • Propose possible schedules freely to relevant parties while looking at your calendar
  • Schedule using one-time URLs
You can use scheduling and group polls


Recommended for those who want to strategically create schedules while considering other appointments
  • Choose candidates form your calendar and have the other party choose and confirm the appointment.

Group polls

Recommended for those who want to confirm candidates involving the participating of at least 3 people
  • Choose candidates from your calendar and have multiple parties cast ballots on whether they can participate. You will be the one to confirm the schedule.